As most of you out there are doing, here I am, scrambling around the house looking for something to do during this virus pandemic. I started to think about how the cats are pretty much doing this everyday of their lives. Sitting around the house is something they want to do. Why do we run out of ideas and get bored so quickly? Cats are ok with a bowl of food and a few toys.
Humans on the other hand are good with a bowl of food, a few toys, more food, more toys, 2 day shipping, video streaming, constant contact with others thru social media, tacos, gardening tips before its time to garden, long walks thru the living room, toilet paper hoarding, Tiger King, washing the dishes that were just washed yesterday, breaking............ok you get the drift. We don't do well with settling in to a life of boxing ourselves in.
There will be plenty of time in the coming weeks.........or months to observe your pets. I challenge you to take some pics of your furry friends just doing their thing. It will be good to look back on years later when we know this era to be a moving part of history. Pets see their human created territory as a safe haven. We see it the same way but only in small increments. Humans risk leaving their safe haven even after being told to Shelter in Place. Social distancing is in constant battle with being a social butterfly.
Do the right thing, limit your exposure to the public. Find new things to do and learn. Observe your pets more closely than you are used to in passing. You might be surprised and perplexed by what you find. Write a short story on what you find or just simply post some pics up for the rest of us to see. Each animal is different and they have a unique personality. I challenge you to capture more than just a moment in time. Capture their personality. This will take more than a 2 second glimpse. Wait for the right light, wait for the right moment, and most importantly.....wait for the right few seconds that can freeze a personality.
